On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 09:10:38PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> I recall thinking about changing the formula to more accurately count
> the number of pages touched; but I desisted when I realized that it
> would drastically increase the cost estimates for index searches, and
> that's surely the wrong direction to be going in.  We really can't do
> that until we have some usable infrastructure to allow estimating the
> probability that those pages are already in cache.  In the meantime,
> the tweaks under discussion here amount to assuming that the metapage
> and all upper pages are always in cache.
> The current cost estimate to fetch a single tuple via indexscan is
> basically random_page_cost + 2, plus some near-negligible cpu costs.
> Not counting the metapage would take that down to random_page_cost + 1.
> This would definitely move the goalposts, particularly for people
> who run with smaller-than-default random_page_cost, but I'm not sure
> if it's enough to solve the problem.
> Also, all this is really just a sideshow; I think the main problem for
> join estimation is that because we cost an inner-indexscan nestloop as
> taking N times the cost of one execution of the inner scan, we fail to
> account for cacheing effects in the table itself as well as the index.
> That would cut into the random_page_cost part of the cost estimate as
> well as the index cost.  For all the reasons I've cited, it's pretty
> hard to justify reducing the estimate for an indexscan standing on its
> own --- but in the context of a nestloop join, it's easier to make a
> case.

One thing I noticed the last time I looked at all of this was that index
correlation seems to be severely mis-weighted in scan calculations.
has more info on this.

I suspect that until that issue is addressed other changes to the cost
estimates won't make any useful difference.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pervasive Software      http://pervasive.com    work: 512-231-6117
vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf       cell: 512-569-9461

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