If we stored the actual queries and the EXPLAIN ANALYZE results (when
generated) in the database, what would be the purpose of the node_name,
db_object, and condition_detail columns?  They don't seem like they
would be useful for statistical analysis, and it seems like the
information would be more useful in context.  Are these column really

For a given node_type, are there mutiple valid condition_type values? 
If so, I need to modify my python script to capture this.  If not, I
don't see a need to store it.


>>> Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com>  >>>


so, for example, the query step:
"                    ->  Seq Scan on detail0009  (cost=0.00..20500.11
rows=26 width=1005) (actual time=453.000..5983.000 rows=53588 loops=1)"
"                          Filter: ((txcontenttype ~~* '%html%'::text)
AND ((vchost)::text ~~* '%www.%'::text))"

Could be displayed as:

query_instance          12008
step_id                         14701
parent_step             14698
node_name               Seq Scan on detail0009
node_type                       Seq Scan
cost_start                      0
cost_end                        20500.11
est_rows                        26
time_start                      453.0
time_end                        5983.0
actual_rows             53588
loops                           1
db_object                       detail009
condition_type          Filter
condition_detail                ((txcontenttype ~~* '%html%'::text) AND
((vchost)::text ~~* 

By collecting all of this data, you make it possible to perform other
sorts of 
analysis on the cost estimates.   For example, statistical analysis
tell us that 3-or-more-condition filters take significantly longer to
than single-condition filters, which would be important to know for the
model.  Limiting it to collecting only 3 of the 13 bits of node data
by EA would very much limit the usefulness of the tool and the
reliability of 
its statistics.

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