On Wednesday 26 October 2005 15:33, Andrew - Supernews wrote:
> On 2005-10-26, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Andrew - Supernews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> On 2005-10-26, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Pretending it's the user's mistake isn't
> >>> an answer that fits down my craw very well...
> >>
> >> I'm not claiming it's the user's mistake. My point is that if the user
> >> did in fact remove add_missing_from after creating views that depend on
> >> it, then they have already run into a bug.
> >
> > No, you're looking at this in the wrong direction.
> It's quite possible that in trimming my messages for posting I'm removing
> too much of the context; is that the case? To recap:
> - you pointed out that there was an incompatibility.
> - I pointed out a way in which that incompatibility can be substantially
> reduced in scope, from affecting "everyone who has views defined using
> add_missing_from" to only affecting "everyone who has views defined using
> add_missing_from but who has subsequently turned that off, in spite of the
> bugs that they would encounter in doing so".
> - you respond by saying there is an incompatibility.
> Now, I don't know how I can possibly be clearer about this. I know that
> changing the default add_missing_from causes an incompatibility. If you
> prefer to keep it, rather than use a solution which will work for everyone
> who (a) isn't already vulnerable to dump+restore problems and (b) will use
> 8.1's pg_dump to upgrade, then personally I couldn't care less. I'm just
> surprised by the attitude.

Actually I rather liked your solution, except that it probably doesn't do 
enough to get people off that setting as others want. Ie. I generally run 
with that setting on, but I certainly don't make views/rules/etc.. that rely 
on that setting. Still in your scenario, when upgrading to 8.1 I'd still end 
up with the setting on rather than the intended default of off. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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