When grilled further on (Mon, 7 Nov 2005 08:07:14 -0700),
Robert Creager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> confessed:

I'm currently attached to the dead (dying) process.  spl_nright seems pretty 

(gdb) print v->spl_nright
$3 = 138311580

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08082057 in gistUserPicksplit (r=0x48f3f1e4, entryvec=0x83e534c, 
v=0xbfffcbc0, itup=0x83e3454, len=227, giststate=0xbfffd120) at gistutil.c:833
833             if (v->spl_right[v->spl_nright - 1] == InvalidOffsetNumber)
(gdb) bt
#0  0x08082057 in gistUserPicksplit (r=0x48f3f1e4, entryvec=0x83e534c, 
v=0xbfffcbc0, itup=0x83e3454, len=227, giststate=0xbfffd120) at gistutil.c:833
#1  0x0807f249 in gistSplit (r=0x48f3f1e4, buffer=8917, itup=0x83e3454, 
len=0xbfffcea4, dist=0xbfffcea0, giststate=0xbfffd120) at gist.c:1083
#2  0x0807c8ab in gistplacetopage (state=0xbfffcf10, giststate=0xbfffd120) at 
#3  0x0807e2cd in gistmakedeal (state=0xbfffcf10, giststate=0xbfffd120) at 
#4  0x0807c7e1 in gistdoinsert (r=0x48f3f1e4, itup=0x83e339c, 
giststate=0xbfffd120) at gist.c:299
#5  0x0807c5a6 in gistbuildCallback (index=0x48f3f1e4, htup=0x83c3de8, 
values=0xbfffd020, isnull=0xbfffd000 "", tupleIsAlive=1 '\001', 
    at gist.c:207
#6  0x080cbb14 in IndexBuildHeapScan (heapRelation=0x48f3e1cc, 
indexRelation=0x48f3f1e4, indexInfo=0x83c3b6c, callback=0x807c4f0 
    callback_state=0xbfffd120) at index.c:1573
#7  0x0807c3b5 in gistbuild (fcinfo=0xbfffe670) at gist.c:145
#8  0x08234dfd in OidFunctionCall3 (functionId=782, arg1=1223942604, 
arg2=1223946724, arg3=138165100) at fmgr.c:1460
#9  0x080cb8d3 in index_build (heapRelation=0x48f3e1cc, 
indexRelation=0x48f3f1e4, indexInfo=0x83c3b6c) at index.c:1353
#10 0x080cacdc in index_create (heapRelationId=128249, 
indexRelationName=0x83a0b94 "catalog_ra_decl_index", indexRelationId=128443, 
    accessMethodObjectId=783, tableSpaceId=0, classObjectId=0x83c9cfc, 
primary=0 '\0', isconstraint=0 '\0', allow_system_table_mods=0 '\0', 
    skip_build=0 '\0') at index.c:757
#11 0x08110671 in DefineIndex (heapRelation=0x30f, indexRelationName=0x83a0b94 
"catalog_ra_decl_index", indexRelationId=0, 
    accessMethodName=0x83a0c00 "gist", tableSpaceName=0x0, 
attributeList=0x83a0c58, predicate=0x0, rangetable=0x0, unique=0 '\0', 
primary=0 '\0', 
    isconstraint=0 '\0', is_alter_table=0 '\0', check_rights=1 '\001', 
skip_build=0 '\0', quiet=0 '\0') at indexcmds.c:383
#12 0x081c409b in ProcessUtility (parsetree=0x83a0c74, params=0x0, 
dest=0x83a0cf0, completionTag=0xbfffec00 "") at utility.c:748
#13 0x081c2b84 in PortalRunUtility (portal=0x83aad14, query=0x83a0a7c, 
dest=0x83a0cf0, completionTag=0xbfffec00 "") at pquery.c:987
#14 0x081c2e0b in PortalRunMulti (portal=0x83aad14, dest=0x83a0cf0, 
altdest=0x83a0cf0, completionTag=0xbfffec00 "") at pquery.c:1054
#15 0x081c26a6 in PortalRun (portal=0x83aad14, count=2147483647, 
dest=0x83a0cf0, altdest=0x83a0cf0, completionTag=0xbfffec00 "") at pquery.c:665
#16 0x081be579 in exec_simple_query (query_string=0x83a0864 "CREATE INDEX 
catalog_ra_decl_index ON catalog USING gist (loc);") at postgres.c:1014
#17 0x081c1377 in PostgresMain (argc=4, argv=0x8345f3c, username=0x8345f14 
"robert") at postgres.c:3168
#18 0x08198692 in BackendRun (port=0x835ea08) at postmaster.c:2854
#19 0x081980a5 in BackendStartup (port=0x835ea08) at postmaster.c:2498
#20 0x081963fe in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1231
#21 0x081957aa in PostmasterMain (argc=3, argv=0x8344788) at postmaster.c:943
#22 0x08158b49 in main (argc=3, argv=0x8344788) at main.c:256

 22:06:46 up 36 days, 14:41,  7 users,  load average: 2.22, 2.55, 3.26
Linux 2.6.5-02 #8 SMP Mon Jul 12 21:34:44 MDT 2004

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