This one is quite long, but I guess the quality of the answer depends on the quality of the question :).

I use views to simplify the underlying database schema for the end users. The end do however still like to know about relations. Here is a very simple example:

CREATE TABLE "t_orgs" (
   "name" varchar(32) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "t_ppl" (
   "org" integer REFERENCES "t_orgs" ("ID"),
   "name" varchar(48)

CREATE VIEW "organisations" AS
   SELECT "ID", "name"
      FROM "t_orgs";
   SELECT "ID", "org" AS "organisation", "name" AS "fullname"
      FROM "t_ppl";

And to this some rules and added defaults on the views to make them updateable in a nice fashion.

But now the problem; the "organisation" column of the "people" view above is implicitly referencing the "organisations" view, as the underlying tables have this constraint. And I want the end user to be able to know about this. So I created a type and a function to query for this info such as:

CREATE TYPE tableinfo_ret AS (
   "column" name,
   "default" text,
   "notnull" boolean,
   "references" name
CREATE FUNCTION tableinfo(a_table name) RETURNS SETOF tableinfo_ret  AS $$

In my first attempt I depend on tables and views having the same names for columns to get it working, an ugly solution. It work for 9 of 10 cases but fails miserably for the rest.

So I thought that maybe pg_depend could be used, after all a view is depending on the table it fetches data from. So I did some testing, for example:
      (SELECT relname
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE oid=refobjid
         LIMIT 1)
 FROM pg_depend
 WHERE objid=(SELECT oid
                FROM pg_class
                WHERE relname='people')
       AND deptype='n';

I find the result somewhat confusing. I get only one row as result, maybe this is fine as a view perhaps does not have dependencies for each of it's columns, but only one as a whole? But the fetched refobjid is not in pg_class, so surely not the underlying table?

I do the select on the objid as the documentation specify this as the "dependent" object, and I interpret this as the view is dependent on the underlying table. This is not quite true in my opinion as one should be able to drop columns not used by the view in the underlying table. So there should be one row for each referenced column, should there not?

If I swap objid for refobjid I do get more results, but none where objid and refobjid references to the table and view in any combination.

Have I misunderstood the concept of pg_depend? Can it even be used for what I intend, and if not in what direction should I be searching next?


//Fredrik Olsson
 Treyst AB

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