> My dev box was running 8.1rc1 and I thought it was time to 
> put 8.1 on it.  I downloaded the 8.1 binaries-only dist off 
> of postgresql.org (bt version), did a binary swap on my 
> server and nothing ran...it turns out all the binaries like 
> initdb.exe, postgres.exe have a dll dependency on various 
> pgAdmin dlls like comerr32.dll and several others.  pgAdmin 
> was not installed on my server so nothing worked.  I copied 
> the .dlls from the pgAdmin folder on my workstation and 
> postgres starts up.

Exactly what DLLs are those?
comerr32.dll is a Kerberos DLL and not a pgAdmin DLL..

> Normally I roll my own so this may or may not be an 
> issue...but when did initdb.exe acquire a pgAdmin dependency?

It really shouldn't.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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