Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What I want to have is some builtin functions that can be used as the 
> input/output/cast/etc functions for each enum type.

The hard part of that is going to be figuring out how to get the
information to the functions about which enum type they're being invoked
for.  Output functions in particular are handed little except the data
value itself.

Possibly the internal representation of an enum could be 8 bytes: 4
bytes for type OID and 4 more for value.  No doubt the mysql guys would
rag on us for using too much disk space :-(.  But if you did that then
the generics would just be anyenum and done.

> I guess we could invent an anyenum pseudotype without actually exposing 
> it via the grammar.

Why do you think you need to hide it?

                        regards, tom lane

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