On Sun, 13 Nov 2005, Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:

I have a connection that is created with "prepareThreshold=1" in the
connection string. I use a prepared statement that I fill with
addbatch() and that I execute with executeBatch() (for full source: see
"application.java" attachment).

LOG:  statement: PREPARE S_2 AS update prototype.customers set title=
$1 , defaultcurrency=$2, defaulttermsofdelivery=$3 ,
defaulttermsofpayment=$4 where customernumber=$5
LOG:  statement: <BIND>
LOG:  statement: EXECUTE <unnamed>  [PREPARE:  update
prototype.customers set title=$1 , defaultcurrency=$2, defaultter
msofdelivery=$3, defaulttermsofpayment=$4 where customernumber=$5]
LOG:  duration: 773.841 ms
LOG:  statement: <BIND>
LOG:  statement: EXECUTE <unnamed>  [PREPARE:  update
prototype.customers set title=$1 , defaultcurrency=$2, defaultter
msofdelivery=$3, defaulttermsofpayment=$4 where customernumber=$5]
LOG:  duration: 377.981 ms

Does this output mean that the prepared statement with the name "S_2" is
not used in the following 2 EXECUTE statements and that therefor each
execute statement is planned again?

The driver does not actually issue PREPARE or EXECUTE statements; the server is pretending that the protocol-level Prepare/Bind/Execute messages are actually something issuing PREPARE/EXECUTE at the SQL level (but in reality, nothing is issuing precisely the queries that are being logged -- the query that is submitted is just your plain "update ..." query).

The PREPARE S_2 AS .. logs that a Prepare message was processed (for the query "update ..."). This does parsing/planning work and creates a named prepared statement called S_2 on the server.

The <BIND> means that some previously prepared statement (you can't tell which statement from what is logged! -- but it's S_2 in this case) is being bound to parameter values via a Bind message, creating an unnamed portal.

The EXECUTE <unnamed> means the unnamed portal is being executed via an Execute message. It also logs the underlying statement at that point, but not the statement name (!).

So if I read the logs right, the single prepared statement S_2 *is* being reused in the case above.

Yes, it's a horribly confusing way for the server to log things. I raised it on -hackers earlier in the 8.1 cycle, but I've not had time to work on it myself.


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