Robert Treat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I disagree in that REPLACE is advertised as a solution for the INSERT else 
> UPDATE problem, but has a different behavior than a true INSERT else UPDATE 
> would produce.   Maybe that's a problem with the implementation, or maybe 
> it's a problem in the advertisment, but there is certainly a discrepency 
> there. 

Yeah.  REPLACE fails to solve common examples like a web hit counter
("if key doesn't exist, insert row with count 1; if it does exist,
add 1 to the current count").

IIRC, SQL's MERGE deals with this by offering two quite separate
specifications of what to do when there is or isn't already a matching

I don't necessarily feel that we have to slavishly duplicate what MySQL
offers.  I do think that it's reasonable to restrict the functionality
to updating/replacing a row with matching primary key --- that gets us
out of the problem of needing a full predicate-locking mechanism, while
still covering most all of the practical use-cases that I can see.

It'd be useful to look at what comparable functionality is offered by
other DBs besides MySQL.  Anyone know what DB2 or Oracle have in this

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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