> That's pretty bizarre.  What's the datatype of the key column(s)?
> Can you reduce it to a smaller test case, or perhaps send me the full
> dump off-list?  (270m is a bit much for email, but web or ftp would
> work ... also, presumably only the pkey column is needed to generate
> the error ...)

I just confirmed that there are duplicate p-keys in the source table :(.
Three currently but last week there were six.  Just FYI I am not 100%
sure pg rebuilt the p-key with dups in it...I need to double check this.

esp=# select * from
esp-# (
esp(#     select prl_combined_key, prl_seq_no, count(*) as c from
parts_order_line_file group by 1,2

esp(# ) q where q.c > 1;
 prl_combined_key | prl_seq_no | c
  00136860        |         20 | 2
  00136860        |         23 | 2
  00137050        |          1 | 2
(3 rows)

esp=# \d parts_order_line_file
              Table "data1.parts_order_line_file"
          Column          |          Type           | Modifiers
    "parts_order_line_file_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (prl_combined_key,
    "parts_order_line_file_prl_exchange_part_key" UNIQUE, btree
(prl_exchange_part, id)
    "parts_order_line_file_prl_item_no_key" UNIQUE, btree (prl_item_no,
    "parts_order_line_file_prl_trx_type_2_key" UNIQUE, btree
(prl_combined_key_2, prl_item_no, id)

I keep a timestamp on every row for last modified date:

esp=# select lastmod from parts_order_line_file where prl_combined_key =
' 00136860' and prl_seq_no
in (20, 23);
 2005-09-15 11:17:17.062
 2005-09-15 11:17:17.187
(2 rows)

There have been no schema changes since 9/15...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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