Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> >I've never been a fan of "regression tests" in the narrow sense of
> >"let's test for this specific mistake we made once".  If you can devise
> >a test that catches a class of errors including the one you actually
> >made, that's a different story, because it's much more likely to catch a
> >real future problem.
> Heh.  See what I do is envision a future 10 years from now when the guy 
> who truly understands the planner and executor (Tom) has long gone and 
> the rest of us poor buggers keep on trying to change and fix things, 
> thereby recreating all these 10 year old bugs :)

That's why someone else should be studying the planner and executor code
right now ...  I've long wanted to start doing it but I've been always
distracted with other minutia ...

Alvaro Herrera       
"PHP is what I call the "Dumb Monkey" language. [A]ny dumb monkey can code
something in PHP. Python takes actual thought to produce something useful."
                                                               (J. Drake)

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