Am Sonntag, den 11.12.2005, 17:55 -0500 schrieb Carlos Moreno:
> I'm interested in adding additional hash functions -- PG supports, as part
> of the built-in SQL functions, MD5 hashing.  So, for instance, I can simply
> type, at a psql console, the following:
> select md5('abc');
> My "feature request" (which again, I'd like to implement it myself) would
> be the ability to do:
> select sha1('xyz'), sha256('etc');
> (At least these two -- maybe for completeness it would be good to have
> sha224, 384, and 512, but I guess SHA1 and SHA-256 would be a very good
> and sound starting point)
> So, can you offer some advice or pointers on how to go about that?

You might want to check out contrib/pgcrypto

more often then not, if you want something, its
already done ;)

Not sure if this will ever be included in the core,
since not many people need these advanced hash functions.

Tino Wildenhain

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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