The discussion was a bit inconclusive last time, so I would like to renew my proposal for more generous default resource limits.

Nearly everyone seems to agree that the default for max_fsm_pages is woefully low, so I would like to have the default for this set unconditionally to 200,000 rather than 20,000. The cost would be just over 1Mb of shared memory, if the docs are correct. Alternatively, we could put this into the mix that is calculated by initdb, scaling it linearly with shared_buffers (but with the default still at 200,000).

I would also like to propose a more modest increase in max_connections and shared_buffers by a factor of 3. This number is picked with some caution, and is intended to ensure that a) we don't eat all the resources on a modestly resourced machine, and b) we can accomodate 1 connection per apache child in a typical (unix) apache configuration. If we were slightly less conservative, we'd at least take default max_connections to 400, which is the maximum number of apache threads on Windows, in the default configuration.)

Since the time when these defaults were set, the price of memory has plummeted, and the typical memory population of an entry level machine has roughly quadrupled, from my observation, so it seems to me that by revising these limits we are just adjusting to the new reality.



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