I have several questions in understanding xlog code:

In RecordTransactionCommit():

        * (If it made no transaction-controlled XLOG entries, its XID appears
        * nowhere in permanent storage

We have this in XLogInsert():

        /* Insert record header */
        record->xl_xid = GetCurrentTransactionIdIfAny();

So in some situations (i.e., this transaction was already assigned an
XID), XLOG_NO_TRAN entries' XID does show up in permante storage?

In smgrcreate():

         * Make a non-transactional XLOG entry showing the file creation.  It's
         * non-transactional because we should replay it whether the transaction
         * commits or not

        lsn = XLogInsert(... XLOG_NO_TRAN ...);

Do we replay *all* xlogs no matter it commits or not? AFAICS, the only
usage of marking xlog non transaction-controlled is not to move
MyLastRecPtr pointer (so possiblly reduce some work at transaction
prepare/commit/abort point), and other usage?

Also in smgrcreate():

 *  ...; the WAL sequence will tell whether to drop the file.
smgrcreate(SMgrRelation reln, bool isTemp, bool isRedo)

Seems nobody is reponsible to remove the smgrcreate()'d file if only
XLOG_SMGR_CREATE entry is flushed and system crash?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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