[moved to -hackers]

Petr Jelinek said:
> Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>> Just because we can run with very little memory doesn't mean we have to.
 What is the point of having lots of memory if you don't use it? We are
talking defaults here. initdb will still scale down on
>> resource-starved  machines.
> Why not just give user few configs tuned to different things like mysql
>  does ? Or better, make it initdb option so it will try to set
> higher/lower limits depending on type of config.

And what settings will be tried by distros that automatically run initdb on
first startup?

I don't mind having an initdb option that tunes the settings tried, but that
doesn't remove the need to choose some defaults.

I'm not sure that I think mysql's setup is a good example to follow.



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