Bruce Momjian said:
> DROP would drop the table on a restart
> after a non-clean shutdown.  It would do _no_ logging on the table and
> allow concurrent access, plus index access.  DELETE is the same as
> DROP, but it just truncates the table (perhaps TRUNCATE is a better
> word).
> EXCLUSIVE would allow only a single session to modify the table, and
> would do all changes by appending to the table, similar to COPY LOCK.
> EXCLUSIVE would also not allow indexes because those can not be
> isolated like appending to the heap.  EXCLUSIVE would write all dirty
> shared buffers for the table and fsync them before committing.  SHARE
> is the functionality we have now, with full logging.

I an horribly scared that this will be used as a "performance boost" for
normal use. I would at least like to see some restrictions that make it
harder to mis-use. Perhaps restrict to superuser?



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