On Sat, 31 Dec 2005, Greg Stark wrote:

> I don't think that's reasonable. The NFS intr option breaks the traditional
> unix filesystem semantics which breaks a lot of older or naive programs. But
> that's no reason to decide that Postgres can't handle the new semantics.

Is that by default the EINTR is truned off in NFS? If so, I don't see that
will be a problem. Sorry for my limited knowledge, is there any
requirements/benefits that people turn on EINTR?

> Handling EINTR after all file system calls doesn't sound like it would be
> terribly hard.

The problem is not restricted to file system. Actually my patched
version(only backend/storage) passed hundreds times of regression without
any problem, but EINTR can hurt other syscalls as well. Find out *all* the
EINTR situtations may need big efforts AFAICS.


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