As a user and a list lurker I very much like Bruce's proposed ALTER TABLE syntax. COPY LOCK (and the variants I can imagine being required for all the other types of cases) don't seem as appealing.

And ALTER TABLE seems to make it clear it is an object level change, feels like it fits the internal model of the change better.

As a user a quick note that I've really found the documentation strong, which makes a big difference. Probably a low glory thing but much appreciated.

Big props everyone I see posting for keeping an eye (and code) on the various optimizations, a lot of the use cases are ones I can relate too (beyond even the ETL ones). I'm always impressed at the range of areas folks are looking at improving, and hope to see it encouraged, even with something as useless as thanks :)

To a good new year... and a great past one.

- August

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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