On Sunday 01 January 2006 18:51, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Magnus Hagander wrote:
> >4) Can we ship linked with readline in the installer? If not, can we ship
> > a readline-linked binary at all, or just the source? Considering readline
> > drags along the GPL, and not just the LGPL. (We can link either
> > statically (default) or dynamically (separate package) to readline
> > without problems, from what I can tell)
> This has been debated ad nauseam in the past. The consensus, bar a few
> people with more advanced paranoia than I suffer from, is that we can ;-)

I don't think it is good practice to ship packaged software that is statically 
linked to a gpl library and then claim that your package is bsd licensed.  If 
I were trying to use the windows installer in a commercial application, I 
sure wouldn't want that liability. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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