I'm in the process of upgrading one of my servers from 7.3 to 8.1, and
have run across a query that is slower on the new 8.1 box. FWIW The data
is all freshly loaded and freshly analyzed, and this is 8.1.1 to be
precise. The part that I am really curious about right now is this
snippit of the explain plan:

>  Sort  (cost=616.64..620.56 rows=1568 width=12) (actual time=46.579..54.641 
> rows=6407 loops=1)    
        Sort Key: latest_download.host_id                                       
                ->  Subquery Scan latest_download  (cost=498.14..533.42 
rows=1568 width=12) (actual time=43.657..45.594 rows=472 loops=1)

I am wondering why it would end up with a different number of rows after
the sort operation. If you want to see the full explain analyze, it's at
http://rafb.net/paste/results/D8lq9v79.html, these are lines 29-31. 


Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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