On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 01:08:53PM +0000, Leandro GuimarĂ£es Faria Corcete DUTRA 
> Jim C. Nasby <jnasby <at> pervasive.com> writes:
> > Generally, I just use surrogate keys for everything unless performance
> > dictates something else.
> What I am proposing is the reverse: use natural keys for everything unless 
> performance dictates something else.
> In support of my PoV: 
> http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/database/soup/archives/007327.asp?rss=1

Interesting. However, in my experience very few things have "natural
keys". There are no combination of attributes for people, phone calls
or even real events that make useful natural keys.

You don't say what the primary key on your events table was but I can
see one possibility:


A unique on this won't prevent overlapping events. Sure, it'll get rid
of the obvious duplicates but won't solve the problem. It also fails
the criteria that keys stable, since you can move events. You do need a
constraint on that table, but a unique constraint isn't it.

While I agree with your statement that it's the abuse of these keys
thats the problem, I find people are far too likely to see natural keys
where none exist.

BTW, the way I deal with people mixing up surrogate keys is by (usually
by chance) having the sequences for different tables start at wildly
different points. By starting one counter at a million and the other at
one, the chances that you'll be able to mix them up is reduced. On some
systems I can even identify the table a key comes from by looking at the
number, just because I know only one table has keys in the 30,000

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> Patent. n. Genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. A patent is a
> tool for doing 5% of the work and then sitting around waiting for someone
> else to do the other 95% so you can sue them.

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