On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 10:25:40PM +0800, William ZHANG wrote:
> I think we should pay attention to the sematic of table privs and column
> privs.
> Here is some examples.
> 1. role1 GRANT table priviledge SELECT on table S to role2.
>     role1 REVOKE column priviledge SELECT on column S(SNO) from role2.

As I understand the SQL spec, the first (table-level) GRANT you specified
would be equivalent to repeating an appropriate column-level GRANT for
every column of S.  My thought was to check the column privs and apply
this logic:

        if user matches an acl for the column
                .. and priv is granted, then permit
                .. else priv is not granted, reject
        else fall through to table privileges

> 2. deal with circles in GRANT graph.

Can you give an examle for how this is any different for column-level

 kevin brintnall =~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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