> > It's used for ecpg, IIRC, when compiled in thread-safe mode.
> > 
> > //Magnus
> Thanks Magnus,
> Here is another question for you.
> Is it documented anywhere or does someone know what is the 
> bare minimum requirements to run the server on a production box?

No, I don't think so :-)

> I want to create the litest possible setup for use in my IM 
> server (Lightning Messenger), and eliminate any unneeded 
> files so I can have the smallest setup I can get.
> I already have a complete working setup built with Inno 
> setup(it's 4.8 mb), now I just need to get it as lite as posssible.

Well, for starters, build from source. Don't enable things like SSL,
NLS, PLs etc. That'll give you smaller binaries.
You can skip a bunch of conversions if you're never going to need them.
ANd of course, you don't need things like libpostgres.a.
As for the actual binaries, you need postgres and postmaster. All the
rest are optional (though you're probably goping to want initdb).  The
only DLL needed should be libpq.dll - assuming you didn't put in support
for ssl, kerberos, nls etc.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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