
On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 20:41 -0800, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

> How will you do an orderly upgrade from one revision to the next,
> including all the dependencies?

We are still in planning phase, any ideas of how to do that is welcome.

> How will you distribute security updates?

We are still in planning phase, any ideas of how to do that is welcome.

> I predict this form of installation will cause a great many support
> headaches as users report problems which are caused by oddball
> compilers, strange CFLAGS, unreleased or strangely patched versions of
> shared libraries and headers, and so forth.

I can't see a problem in here. We already have platform test results in
pgbuildfarm and we have the knowledbase about the configure options,
flags etc. in that platforms.

> Obviously anybody is welcome and able to just write whatever software
> they feel is needed, but go ahead and count me among the skeptics.

The world is not turning around us, and please don't be skeptic on a
piece of software that you won't use but some people will.

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