[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alvaro Herrera) writes:

> Chris Browne wrote:
>> It strikes me as a slick idea for autovacuum to take on that
>> behaviour.  If the daily backup runs for 2h, then it is quite futile
>> to bother vacuuming a table multiple times during that 2h period when
>> none of the tuples obsoleted during the 2h period will be able to be
>> cleaned out until the end.
> Hmm, yeah, sounds useful.  There's one implementation issue to notice
> however, and it's that the autovacuum process dies and restarts for each
> iteration, so there's no way for it to remember previous state unless
> it's saved somewhere permanent, as the stats info is.

Hmm.  It restarts repeatedly???  Hmmm...

> However this seems at least slightly redundant with the "maintenance
> window" feature -- you could set a high barrier to vacuum during the
> daily backup period instead.  (Anybody up for doing this job?)

In effect, this would be an alternative to the "window" feature.  You
open the window by starting pg_dump; pg_autovacuum would automatically
notice that as the eldest XID, and stop work until the pg_dump
actually finished.

In a way, it strikes me as more elegant; it would automatically notice
"backup windows," noticing *exact* start and end times...
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'ntlug.org';
"I'm sorry,  Mr.   Kipling, but you  just  don't know how to   use the
English Language."  -- Editor of the San Francisco Examiner, informing
Rudyard Kipling, who had one  article published in the newspaper, that
he needn't bother submitting a second, 1889

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