On Feb 3, 2006, at 11:21, Tom Lane wrote:

The SRF concept captures what you want a whole lot better.  If the
implementation isn't up to snuff, we should improve it, not warp other
pieces of the system.

Point taken. The rewriting concept is what I'm after; if that can be done pre-planning with SQL functions, I'm all for it. I just thought that since rules already do rewriting, that's the best thing to start building on.

Martijn mentioned the idea of inlining SQL functions that return sets
--- this is something I've toyed with too, but not got round to looking
at seriously.  AFAICS it would accomplish everything that you could do
with parameters in ON SELECT rules, considering the existing
restrictions on what can be in an ON SELECT rule.  And it wouldn't
require any new concepts at all, just a few(?) pages of code.

True, as long as there's a hook to do the inlining/rewriting before the query's planned. I guess we can see function calls at the parse stage, check to see if they're SQL functions or not, grab the prosrc, do the substitution, then re-parse?

I guess I can live without the dependancy tracking. I can always dump and reload my database to re-parse all the functions. Maybe we could have a RELOAD FUNCTION command that would just re-parse an existing function, so I don't have to dump and reload?

What about auto-creating a composite type for the function's return type based on the query definition? (Like how CREATE VIEW creates an appropriate table definition.) Do you see a way for CREATE FUNCTION to do that? The problem is that you have to specify a return type in CREATE FUNCTION.

Maybe an extension to CREATE FUNCTION as a shorthand for set- returning SQL functions? Like:

CREATE SQL FUNCTION sales_figures(DATE) AS SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE sale_date <= $1;

It would (1) automatically create a composite type (newtype) for the return value, and (2) do a

CREATE FUNCTION sales_figures(DATE) RETURNS SETOF newtype AS '...' LANGUAGE sql.

How much do I have to justify a patch for non-standard "RELOAD FUNCTION" and "CREATE SQL FUNCTION" commands (as described) in the grammar? :)


- Chris

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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