


There is something wrong with createlang on my windows system. Please, see the output:


C:\>"Arquivos de programas\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\createlang.exe"  pltcl -U postgres


createlang: language installation failed: ERROR:  could not load library "C:/Arq

uivos de programas/PostgreSQL/8.1/lib/pltcl.dll": NÒo foi possÝvel encontrar o m

¾dulo especificado.



Translating it to English, that is something like: “…/lib/plctl.dll. It is not possible to find the specific module”.


Looking the directory, I can see the file plctl.dll:

C:\Arquivos de programas\PostgreSQL\8.1\lib>dir pltcl*

 O volume na unidade C não tem nome.

 O número de série do volume é 1442-C8D0


 Pasta de C:\Arquivos de programas\PostgreSQL\8.1\lib


06/01/2006  10:59            56.235 pltcl.dll

               1 arquivo(s)         56.235 bytes

               0 pasta(s) 22.882.418.688 bytes disponíveis


C:\Arquivos de programas\PostgreSQL\8.1\lib>



It is important to say that the same instruction to plpgsql run ok. See:


C:\>"Arquivos de programas\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\createlang.exe"  plpgsql -U postgr

es test




I think that there is a problem to install the language plctl.


If can I help with more information, please, email me.




Márcio A. Sepp


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