On Feb 8, 2006, at 11:35 , Merlin Moncure wrote:
On Feb 8, 2006, at 11:17 , Merlin Moncure wrote:
The proper SQL construct without row constructor is:
select * from t where
a >= a1 and
(a > a1 or b>= b1) and
(a > a1 or b > b1 or c > c1)
order by a,b,c limit 1 ^ no offset necessary
confused yet?
This is interesting! Could you also provide the equivalent *with* a
row constructor? (or did I miss that somewhere?)
select * from t where (a,b,c) > (a1, b1, c1) order by a,b,c limit 1;
[plus full usage of key on t(a,b,c)]
Thanks! I'll need to ruminate on this for a while.
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not