Q Beukes schrieb:

I am not looking for 100% security. I know that full access if full access,
and that even if you were to encrypt the system through Postgre the
person WILL always be able to get it out if they have system level access.

All I wanted to do was to prevent the basic SQL/Linux literate user from
the databases. At the moment it is very easy for them to access the data.

I trust that they wont go as far as overwriting the system with custom
version, or copying the data and so forth. It just that we would feel
much better
if we knew the data wasn't as open as it is now, with a simple pg
restart it is all

Can this only be done by maybe modifying the source to make pg_hba
fields statically
compiled into the executable?

Instead, you might want to read about SELinux.
You can protect files even to root (unless they
reboot ;) but really you should have only trusted
people have admin accounts. How comes you have
somebody untrusted as admin?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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