Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Indeed, we haven't made any particular effort to encourage gborg
projects to move.  I think it's a bit premature to hold a gun to
their heads.

Well that is not exactly true. We have been encouraging gborg projects
to move for at least a year.

What we haven't done is provided an easy means to do so.

But frankly after seeing, working on and with pgFoundry I don't think
pushing them there is a good choice either.

Documentation is very sparse, bugs are rampant and I don't want to even consider
the possible security issues involved with it.

That being said, as an inclusive solution there really isn't anything else
out there :(

I think that's overstating it a bit (even though I know you held back ;-) ). We have stomped on most of the significant bugs that have arisen from our implementation, and gotten some fixes from upstream too. We do have a couple of GForge devs who help us out. We have in fact been pretty careful about security issues.

Frankly, what we need is someone with enough dedicated time and drive to push the migration through. Ideally that would be someone who could work fulltime for the several weeks I suspect a complete migration would take. Unfortunately, I don't know of such a resource.

If we could get to be running pgFoundry on the latest GForge, with PHP/CGI enabled project web pages, a database per project available, SVN as well as CVS, and a known stable mailman release we'd be in excellent shape.

I'd rather move forwards than back.



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