Dave Page wrote:

Moving CVS is not a problem - each project has their own repo on both systems. 
The problem is moving all the database stuff such as the bug trackers and todo 
lists, for which I'm told there are no working scripts.

The other one that caused me great pain when I moved psqlODBC over was the 
GBorg genpages. I ended up manually pulling the code out of them and into plain 
HTML files as there is no equivalent area on pgFoundry.

FWIW, in both the moves I have done (psqlODBC and Npgsql), only the CVS was 
actually moved.

Perhaps that's the general solution. Forget about the database, genpages etc. and ask respective project administrators to move them manually? The two really important things are the CVS and the mailing-list.

On my part, It'd be sufficient if those two where moved. My html content stems from my CVS and I plan to restructure it a bit anyway. My bug-tracking can be moved manually if need be.

I too would be happy if I could somehow migrate to SVN but that can be done 

Thomas Hallgren

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