The pg_config program needs to display more information, specifically
where the location of pg_service.conf would reside.

Also, I know I've been harping on this for years (literally), but since
the PosgteSQL programs already have the notion that there is some static
directory for which to locate files (pg_service.conf), couldn't we also
use this directory to include pg_hba.conf, pg_ident.conf, and perhaps even

Maybe we also add to pg_service.conf enough data to start a database so
that a tool, perhaps pg_service, could read and extract the info for
pg_ctl, so databases can be started by service names:

pg_ctl -S service_name start

This would tie together a great number of loose ends in PostgreSQL that I
have been whining about for years.

I'll do the coding and submit a patch, but I'd like to open a discussion
to know if it is worth the effort, i.e. do you guys want this behavior if
it is done well?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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