No, there's no need for that.  It means that the RI stuff would have to
take whatever steps we agree on to determine the exact comparison
operator to use, and then be sure to emit SQL that will select exactly
that operator --- this involves using the OPERATOR(foo.=) syntax to
remove schema-ambiguity and possibly adding explicit type coercions of
the operands.  This'll make the RI queries noticeably uglier, but
they're not meant to be read by humans anyway.  I think it wouldn't be
any slower, because OPERATOR() syntax will suppress a search-path
search that the parser would otherwise make for the operator --- but
in any case, since the plan result is cached, a few microseconds here or
there won't matter.

Incidentally, shouldn't the existing RI queries (eg. SELECT ... FOR SHARE) explicity specify operator(pg_catalog.=)? Or are they safe from that for some other reason?


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