Hello list,

I would like to be able to send the HeapTuple returned
by ExecFetchSlotTuple() over the network (socket) to
another postmaster process that's waiting for it. I
don't need to decode it, just send bytes.

My question, and I am not a DB expert, I just deal
with raw data. What other information do I need to
include from struct HeapTupleData in order for that
data to make sense on the other end (to rebuild a
HeapTuple from it).

I understand that:

data_address = offset(HeapTupleHeaderData,
data_len = tuple->t_len - tuple->t_data->t_hoff;

 tuple->t_data->t_ctid and  tuple->t_data->t_natts are
needed for this. Is that it?

What do I need to watch for with TOAST'ed tuple?

I will basically create a temp struct that will hold
those necessary information and sent that struct.

Thank you,

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