
On 3/8/06 7:21 AM, "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Simon Riggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> 1. Earlier we had some results that showed that the heapsorts got slower
>> when work_mem was higher and that concerns me most of all right now.
> Fair enough, but that's completely independent of the merge algorithm.
> (I don't think the Nyberg results necessarily apply to our situation
> anyway, as we are not sorting arrays of integers, and hence the cache
> effects are far weaker for us.  I don't mind trying alternate sort

Even with the indirection, we should investigate alternative approaches that
others have demonstrated to be superior WRT L2 cache use.

A major commercial database currently performs external sorts of various
fields 4 times faster, and commonly uses more than 256MB of sort memory in
one example case to do it.

> I think this would be extremely dangerous, as it would encourage
> processes to take more than their fair share of available resources.

I agree - in fact, we currently have no structured concept of "fair share of
available resources", nor a way to share them.

I think the answer to this should involve the use of statement queuing and
resource queues.
> Also, to the extent that you believe the problem is insufficient L2
> cache, it seems increasing work_mem to many times the size of L2 will
> always be counterproductive.  (Certainly there is no value in increasing
> work_mem until we are in a regime where it consistently improves
> performance significantly, which it seems we aren't yet.)

Not if you cache block, the optimization that operates on a block of memory
one L2 block in size at a time.

- Luke 

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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