On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 08:56:23AM -0000, Dave Page wrote:

> Do you have someone with some local knowledge who can recommend
> some nearby hotels?


If you go to <http://conference.postgresql.org/Location/>, I've put
up some information about this.  I'll be expanding those pages as
things move along.  

BTW, now that we seem to be really underway, I'll also likely be
contacting known-to-be-local people and hitting them up for specific
things we might need.  The organisers group was (at my insistence, so
you all can blame me) kept small initially because the timeline for
this was, I thought, extremely compressed (so I thought we had to
nail down some things before we started getting too many people
involved).  If you are local to the Toronto area, are willing to help
with the many on-the-ground things that are likely needed to be done,
and will be available to do so, I eagerly solicit your help.  Please
contact me off list in that case.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The plural of anecdote is not data.
                --Roger Brinner

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