> Two pass will create the count of subfiles proportional to:
> Subfile_count = original_stream_size/sort_memory_buffer_size
> The merge pass requires (sizeof record * subfile_count) memory.

That is true from an algorithmic perspective. But to make the
merge efficient you would need to have enough RAM to cache a reasonably
large block per subfile_count. Else you would need to reread the same
page/block from one subfile multiple times.
(If you had one disk per subfile you could also rely on the disk's own
but I think we can rule that out)

> Example:
> You have a 7 gigabyte table to sort and you have 100 MB sort buffer.
> The number of subfiles will be:
> 7000000000 / 100000000 = 70 files

To be efficient you need (70 + 1) \* max(record_size, 256k) = 18 Mb 

Plus you need a structure per subfile that points to the current record
in the buffer.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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