On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 09:31 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Stefan Kaltenbrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > LOG:  begin index sort: unique = f, workMem = 8024000, randomAccess = f
> > LOG:  switching to external sort with 28658 tapes: CPU 4.18s/13.96u sec 
> > elapsed 32.43 sec
> > LOG:  finished writing run 1 to tape 0: CPU 173.56s/3425.85u sec elapsed 
> > 3814.82 sec
> > LOG:  performsort starting: CPU 344.17s/7013.20u sec elapsed 7715.45 sec
> > LOG:  finished writing final run 2 to tape 1: CPU 347.19s/7121.78u sec 
> > elapsed 7827.25 sec
> > LOG:  performsort done (except 2-way final merge): CPU 348.25s/7132.99u 
> > sec elapsed 7846.47 sec
> > after that the postmaster is now consuming 99% CPU for about 22 hours(!) 
> I'll look into it, but I was already wondering if we shouldn't bound the
> number of tapes somehow.  It's a bit hard to believe that 28000 tapes is
> a sane setting.

Well, since they are not actually tapes, why not?

I thought you had changed the memory settings so that the 28658 was a
maximum, not the actual number it used. In the above example we are only
using 2 runs (tapes)... so it should just read in run 1 and then run 2
into memory and complete the final merge.

Seems reasonable to limit tapes to say 10,000. 28000 tapes allows you to
sort 448 TB without any merging...

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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