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I guess what you're after is to make sure the WAL buffers are shipped to
the stand-by at the same time as they are committed to disk. In any
other case your desire to have the stand-by EXACTLY in sync with the
primary server will not gonna work.

But that would mean that the communication to the stand-by will become a
performance bottleneck, as all transactions are only finished after the
WAL records for them are synced to the disk. So if you want your
stand-by completely in sync with your primary, you will want that the
transactions finish only after their WAL records are pushed to the
stand-by too... and then if the communication to the stand-by fails, all
your transactions will wait after it, possibly causing the primary to
stop working properly. So now you have another point of failure, and
instead of making the setup safer, you make it unsafer. What I want to
say is that it is likely not feasible to keep the stand-by completely in

In practice it is enough to keep the standby NEARLY in sync with the
primary server. That means you will ship the WAL records asynchronously,
i.e. after they are written to the disk, and in a separate thread.

What I'm after is to have a thread which starts streaming the current
WAL file, and keeps streaming it as it grows. I'm not completely sure
how I'll implement that, but I guess it will need to do a loop and
transfer whatever records are available, and then sleep a few seconds if
it reaches the end. It must be prepared to stumble upon partially
written WAL records, and sleep on those too. On the stand-by end, the
current partial WAL will not be used unless the stand-by is fired up...

So I'm after a solution which makes sure the stand-by is as up to date
as possible, with a few seconds allowed gap in normal operation, and
possibly more if the communication channel has bandwidth problems and
the server is very busy. Usually if the server crashes, than there are
worse problems than the few seconds/minutes worth of lost transactions.
To name one, if the server crashes you will have for sure at least a few
minutes of downtime. At least for our application, downtime in a busy
period is actually worse than the lost data (that we can recover from
other logs)...


On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 02:50, 王宝兵 wrote:
> Csaba: 
> Firstly I must thank you for your help.Some of our designs are identical
> except the following: 
> - create a standby manager program which only needs to know how to 
> Access the primary server in order to create the standby (by connecting 
> To it through normal data base connections and using the above mentioned 
> Functions to stream the files); 
> In my opinion,if we create a standby manager program and run it as a daemon
> process,it will check the state of the WAL files of the Principal every few
> seconds.But there is a risk for data lost.For an instance,if the Principal
> has flushed its log buffer to the disk and the dirty data are also flushed
> immediately,but the standby manager program is running in its interval.Then
> the Principal fails.In this situation,the Principal has updated its database
> but the log segment hasn't been sent to the Mirror,because the time point
> for the standby manager program to check the WAL files hasn't come.And then
> these data are lost. 
> I think this situation will happen very probably in a big cooperation and it
> s very serious. 
> Perhaps I have misunderstood your opinion.If that,I apologize. 
> Charlie Wang 

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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