Stephan Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The main options seem to be:
>  When we're allowing other order access, immediately reorder the
> constraint information to match the primary key order.  This helps out
> with IS since the loaded constraint should display properly, but
> theoretically could change the visual representation after load for people
> who don't care about this option.
>  Change the representation unconditionally on dump. Basically reorder the
> constraint at dump time to always generate a dump in SQL03 order. This has
> the same downside as the above except only after another dump/restore.
>  Change the representation on dump only if the flag is set (probably
> exporting this as an option to pg_dump as well). This could be a little
> more difficult to use, but pretty much causes the user to drive the
> choice.

I'm missing something.  On what basis do you claim that there's a
"SQL03 order", ie some ordering mandated by the spec?  What problem is
this really solving?

                        regards, tom lane

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