Tom Lane wrote:
"Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
/usr/local/bin/rsync -avzCH --delete .

its actually a "." ... what would a ',' do? :)

egad... heh... it would create a directory called "," ;) So you probably don't want either.

Um, I'm with Marc: where's the "," exactly?  Not that I'm an rsync guru,
but if there's a mistake here I do want to learn from it.


Just to be clear. The comma was a mistype. I was stating that you do not want to use a period. If you use a period and you are not in the correct directory, rsync will remove everything within your working directory. It is always better to be explicit with an application that will willingly remove your entire directory structure.

I know this, because I accidently did it once when manually pulling the archives. I had to restore from backup ;)


Joshua D. Drake


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