
On 3/21/06 3:59 PM, "satoshi nagayasu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, we also need to know why business people want
> to know about the future plan. For the business people,
> the roadmap is used to know the software is fit to
> their (growing) business, not only now but in the future.
> Roadmap can be changed, but still roadmap is necessary
> for some kind of users.


The Bitmap Index and Sort improvements are features that we have been
developing for the last 10 months based directly on discussions with
business customers.  They will be release with Bizgres 0.9 next week, and
contributed to Postgres shortly thereafter (sort already is).

Others on our list of customer driven roadmap items:

- OLAP functions: CUBE, ROLLUP, RANK
- Resource management, incl. dynamic memory management and statement
- Postgres intrinsic log-shipping replication (we have one to contribute)
- Transparent DML on partitions

Whether these get into 8.2 or not, I'd welcome developer discussion.  We are
initiating some planning sessions in mid-April for the next 4-6 months of

- Luke

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