On Tue, 28 Mar 2006, Tom Lane wrote:

> "Larry Rosenman" <ler@lerctr.org> writes:
> > The other issue is borked installs where the server and libpq disagree.
> > What I'm looking for
> >  is to expose what libpq has for it's default as well as what the server is
> > using.  There is currently
> >  no way to determine what libpq has for it's default.  What happened in the
> > irc case was a partial re-install
> >  with non-matching server and libpq.
> [ shrug... ]  So?  There isn't going to be any way that
> random-app-using-libpq is going to have a way to tell the user what the
> underlying copy of libpq is using for this default --- adding a call for
> that will be nothing more nor less than a waste of code space.  You'd be
> best off running strings(1) over the libpq.so file when the question
> comes up.

When I encounter such behavior, my tool of choice tends to be strace(1)
rather than strings(1).  That way, you know what exactly the thing it
wants that it is not finding is...

Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.
                -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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