> >> What happens if process Y goes away between the time you obtain a 
> >> handle for it and the time you try to run this 
> DuplicateHandle call?
> > I can put together some quick test-code for this if you need me to?
> Nah, it was just a rhetorical question meant to poke a hole 
> in the claim that Windows can avoid race conditions by using HANDLEs.

That's what I thought, which is why I asked first.

> AFAICS, don't-reuse-PIDs-too-quick has exact analogs that 
> Windows has to solve by ensuring it doesn't reuse HANDLEs too quick.

Windows doesn't "reuse HANDLEs" in that way. Handles are like file
The kernel structure represnting the process has a *process id*, not a
handle. That is what uniquely identifies the process. (In the kernel
it's often referred to as a "client id").

The process structure will be held as long as anybody has an open handle
to the process. Thus, as long as this happens, the pid *cannot* be
reused. So one way to assure the pid isn't recycled too soon is to keep
the postmasters handle open "long enough" (the postmaster already has a
handle there - it's just the pgstats process that doesn't have one).
RIght now we close the postmaster handle first (win32_removechild at ~
2086 in postmaster.c) and then fire off the message (CleanupBackend at


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