
On 4/9/06 2:04 PM, "Gregory Maxwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It increases Linux's maximum readahead from 128K to 1meg .. and it
> should be smart enough that you could crank it up further without too
> much risk of hurting performance elsewhere.

Interesting - we are now routinely using the "blockdev --setra" to set the
block device readahead and our common setting now is 16MB, so I will look at
how the behavior of this adaptive readahead affects normal query workload.

>From the patch:

      Normally, the kernel uses a stock readahead logic that is well
      understood and well tuned. This option enables a much complex and
      feature rich one. It is more aggressive and memory efficient in
      doing readahead, and supports some less-common access patterns such
      as reading backward and reading sparsely. However, due to the great
      diversity of real world applications, it might not fit everyone.

- Luke

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