Jonah H. Harris wrote:
On 4/18/06, Jim C. Nasby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 11:27:40AM -0700, Mark Wong wrote:
Jim C. Nasby wrote:
On Sat, Apr 15, 2006 at 03:05:20PM -0400, Jonah H. Harris wrote:
All ideas welcome!
I know it's not directly PostgreSQL related, but I'd love to see the
dbt* code improved. Items on my wish-list:

- make it easy to run the test framework and clients on a seperate
 machine from the database server
- keep results in a database
- provide a front-end to allow users to schedule tests in a queue
- add support for windows, at least for the database (theoretically
 possible to run that way now, but you have to do everything by hand)

Another idea: afaik, spikesource is still offering a bounty for
improvements to OSS test suites, something that'd fit well with SoC.
I second this. :)  There are also the TPC-App (Java) fair-use
implementation that I've started and the TPC-E (next gen OLTP) that I
would like to start.
Maybe before starting on TPC-E it makes sense to try and get a common
framework for all the different tests built? AFAIK most of the
benchmarks all use a fairly standard client-server infrastructure, so we
should hopefully be able to share that between the different tests...

I agree with Jim.  A framework would really help out here.  All of the
tests are basically the same and would benefit from a framework.

This has crossed my mind before. I haven't been able to come up with something that I've felt good about on my own though.

However, Mark, do you think Java is a reliable benchmarking platform? At EnterpriseDB, we've tried several Java benchmarks and could never
get as repeatable or reliable of a benchmark as DBT2 gives you.

I don't have much experience here yet. I've only got a portion of the TPC-App implemented, although probably enough now to see how repeatable it is thus far. Do you want to give my DBT4 kit a shot? :) I'm curious to what platforms you've tried Java on as I've heard the Linux implementations aren't as good as their Windows counterparts. I'm not sure how true that is today though.


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