I took the liberty of revising your README.txt as a native speaker :) I cleaned up the grammar a lot, etc.

Thank you very much. I added your README to patch.

New version of GIN is available:


Changes from Try 2:
* add regression tests for &&,@,~ operators
* add regression tests for GIN over int4[] and text[]
* fix regression opr_sanity test
* update README ( by Christopher )

Open Items:
  * Teach optimizer/executor that GIN is intrinsically clustered. i.e., it
    always returns ItemPointer in ascending order.
  * Tweak gincostestimate.
  * GIN stores several ItemPointer to heap tuple, so VACUUM FULL produces
    this warning message:
     WARNING:  index "idx" contains 88395 row versions, but table contains
                    51812 row versions
     HINT:  Rebuild the index with REINDEX.

We appreciate any comments, help and suggestions. For third item we haven't idea how fix it except to exclude GIN index from check.

Sorry for our persistence, but we really need to known about choice of community about commiting or making contrib, because it will be difficult to support a big enough patch up to date...

Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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