Bruno Wolff III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Whereas it shouldn't be hard to prove that this is equivalent:
> > 
> > stark=> explain select col1 from test group by upper(col1),col1 order by 
> > upper(col1);
> >                              QUERY PLAN                              
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >  Group  (cost=88.50..98.23 rows=200 width=32)
> >    ->  Sort  (cost=88.50..91.58 rows=1230 width=32)
> >          Sort Key: upper(col1), col1
> >          ->  Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..25.38 rows=1230 width=32)
> > (4 rows)
> I don't think you can assume that that will be true for any locale. If there
> are two different characters that both have the same uppercase version, this
> will break things.

No it won't.


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