When working through my cleanup of the vc++ build scripts, I came across
a handy feature. I originally thought it'd cut down the size of my
scripts, and it does - but not very much. However, it might be handy
elsewhere. I have no idea if this feature is available for other

For VC++ you can add a #pragma directive to the header files to direct
the compiler/linker to link with a specific library. This could be used
to automatically link with libpq whenever libpq-fe.h is brought in, and
similar things for the backend (links to postgres.exe) and ecpg.
(Naturally, there'd be a #define you can set to have it *not* do this,
for special cases). That would make it even easier to build client and
server projects - if you use MSVC++.

What do you think? If it's good, I can incorporate it in the next
version of the VC++ patch.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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