> On Sat, May 20, 2006 at 02:29:01PM +0200, Dawid Kuroczko wrote:
>> On 5/20/06, Lukas Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >The improvements to the installer are great, but there simply needs to
>> >be a packaged solution that adds more of the things people are very
>> >likely to use. From my understanding Bizgres goes in that direction? I
>> >just think that whatever highly packaged solution PostgreSQL picks,
>> this
>> >should be the download that is pushed at conferences, in articles and
>> >books. People with a clue will still know where they can get the clean
>> >base.
>> Hmm, a Comprehensive PostgreSQL Archive Network? ;)
>> I mean, something like CPAN, CTAN or CRAN? :)
>> I mean, the -contrib is great, but pushing other things there is a bit
>> tricky (to say the least) from the maintenance point of view.  (Every
>> bugfix, a new release of -contrib, etc, etc...).
>> Then again PGfoundry is great to keep development centered, but
>> finding and building a new package is not really a one-liner, and
>> if you're unlucky you might get alpha-quality code installed. :)
> I don't see any reason why CPgAN would need to change pgFoundry at all.
> In fact, my thought was that any such system should use pgFoundry as
> it's backend/repository.
>> I think a CPgAN-like solution would be the best.  A uniform method
>> of getting approved Pg extensions.  It would simplify installing the
>> extensions, and would encourage distributions to package such
>> extensions.  Somebody suggested apt-get install postgresql-contrib.
>> Imagine:
>> apt-get install postgresql-datatype-fqdn
>> apt-get install postgresql-gist-ltree
>> ...and so on.
> Except that apt doesn't work on all platforms. Though it would certainly
> make sense to look at lifting the framework for CPgAN from somewhere,
> rather than coding it ourselves.

A CPgAN would be a great idea in theory, but I have reservations.

As a software developer, I'm fine with pgfoundery, but as a DB admin, and
one who deploys data centers from time to time, I'd like to see something
closer to the contrib.

If I could have any influence at all, I'd like to see "contrib"
essentially go away in the main distribution and replaced or renamed
"extensions." Then, some advisory group "blesses" extensions, and those
extensions get packaged into a PostgreSQL extensions pack. I, again as a
DB admin, would have NO problem with PostgreSQL playing favorites and
picking best of breed for these extensions.

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